“Should I write a book?”
That’s an excellent question. I’ve heard it before–mostly when people find out that I am writing books. The “Should I write a book?” query usually signals to me that a person has already taken their first steps down book avenue. In other words, if someone has formulated that question, then they already have the desire and have set their feet (or mind) on the path. The question is: do they have the determination and patience to see it through?
I love this era we’re in–the era of self-publishing. According to Bowker, there were over 458,000 self-published books in 2013. That number is growing, I’m sure. I know so many people who have a book inside, waiting to leap out, and now it’s possible for them to bring it all to life. No permission. No gatekeepers. Just a person and his or her story. Of course, this also brings to light this problem: if everybody can do it, then how do we know who’s doing it well?
My answer to that is usually that it’s a matter of taste. The person who published a book on his or her own probably likes what they’ve written. Their mom also probably likes it. But it’s no guaratee others will. The point is, you have decide what your motivation is for self-publishing. If you are doing it simply to get your ideas out in the world or to hold your book in your hands, then you’ll likely be immune to criticism from readers or the market. Just do what you do! However, If you want to make good money, get your book into a lot of hands (as well as onto tablets and into stores), and get your ideas out there, you probably have to take things like cover design, layout, and story edits to the next level.
In the end, it comes down to you and nobody else. “Should I write a book?” isn’t a question we ask a literary agent or publisher. It’s a question we ask ourselves. As you sit down in front of a blank page to write, remember that in this era of self-publishing, we can be our own answer.
If you have already asked and answered, “Should I write a book?” in the affirmative, here are some useful resources. I am not saying you should or shouldn’t follow the advice given in the blog posts that follow here. I’m just putting them out there for your review. Let us know what you think!
Self-Publishing – A 10-Point Must-Do Checklist for Authors – Part 1
How To Start Your Own Publishing Company – 10 Essential Steps